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A page of posts where each post takes to a page of posts where each post takes to a page of posts...

  • Greetings and thanks for a wonderful theme!

    I'm sure it can be done but I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to implement a Pinterest-like -magazine. The landing page would show the posts in the main category. When I choose a post I'd end up in a "sub-magazine" that contains posts under that category. When I'd choose a post in this "sub-magazine" I'd end up in a "sub-sub-magazine" that shows the posts under its parent category.

    Let me illustrate:

    I've tried creating a post-category as in ...well post categories... hierarchy like this:


    And so forth. What I'd like to see on the landing page are categories "a" and "b" as boxes as usual. When I click "a" I'd like to see posts "a1", "a2", "a3", and "a4" as nice boxes as usual. 

    When I click "a2" I'd like to see posts "a21", "a22", and "a23" as nice boxes as usual.

    When I click "a22" I'd like to see posts "a221", "a222", "a223" as nice boxes as usual. 

    And when I eventually click - say "a222" I'd like to see the article with reviews, comments and all the goodies one can attach to a post. The breadcrumbs would show "home/a/a2/a22/a222".

    And of course I'd also like post "a223" to actually be post "b" so that when I click that, I'd see posts "b1" and "b2" as nice boxes as usual. And the breadcrumbs showing "home/b".

    Of course if this kind of hierarchical drill-down-structure isn't possible I'd really like to know that too ASAP so I can look elsewhere and perhaps reuse FlyingNews somewhere else.

    Thanks for anyone for assistance.
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