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Text Editor for Goodstore Theme is not easy to use - no TEXT BACKGROUND or UNDO

  • In the past 5 years, WordPress always FAILS in the WYSIWYG department and so for my clients I will usually install TinyMCE Advanced text editor plugin but something in this theme doesn't allow this plugin to function normally. Some of my favorite buttons such as TEXT BACKGROUND and TEXT COLOR and H1-H6 tags don't appear in the editor button list. 

    Yes, I see that the theme has a shortcode dropdown that adds all sorts of shortcode features  -- but I'd rather let my client create blog posts without seeing all the [H2] brackets [/H2] that come with the shortcode entries. This will just confuse them. Also where did the UNDO go?

    I'm sure you will agree that a text editor that works in a WYSIWIG manner is a better choice when I turn over the website to a client and they are posting blog articles. Is there a text editor plugin you would recommend? Or is there a way to fix the theme to allow text editing in a friendlier manner?  

    Just look at the nice text editor on this forum. It is pretty nice!!! --- much nicer than what the theme is forced to use.

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