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Product order form not showing (RevoComposer)

  • I'm stumped as to why the "woo-orderby" (shown with Red Rectangle) isn't showing on my client's site, yet shows on your demo site.
    Note: Woo Recent Product Big of RevoComposer was used.
    Screen print of client's site:

    Screen print of demo site:


    I've tried to see if there's something I'm not doing right by looking at the souce with Firebug, but can't seem to fathom out why the "woo-orderby" isn't showing on my client's site.
    Demo site source:
    <div class="row section-header big">

                        <div style="" class="section-big-wrapper">
                        <h3 style="" class="section-big">
                            Upgrade Your Wardrobe                    </h3>  

                                                                                <div class="woo-orderby">
    <div class="woo-orderby-form">
                <div class="woo-orderby-form-list-title">       
            <span>Sort by newness</span>
            <span class="icon-arrow-down-gs" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <ul class="woo-orderby-form-list">
            <li value=""><a href="?orderby=menu_order">Sort by default sorting</a></li><li value=""><a href="?orderby=popularity">Sort by popularity</a></li><li value=""><a href="?orderby=rating">Sort by average rating</a></li><li class="woo-orderby-form-item-selected" value=""><a href="?orderby=date">Sort by newness</a></li><li value=""><a href="?orderby=price-asc">Sort by price: low to high</a></li><li value=""><a href="?orderby=price-desc">Sort by price: high to low</a></li>    </ul>

                                            <div class="clear"></div>

    Client's source:
    <div class="woo-orderby">

    Any idea why the "woo-orderby-form-list" isn't showing on my end?
    Thank you in advance

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